Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A Short Intro Video for the NPO Network

In my last post, I talked about creating a video overview of the problems charities face, and how we have a proven solution that will make philanthropy work better. I created this 26 minute video to begin the process of looking for funding, since we've taken the effort as far as we can on our own, in our spare time.

When I told my brother, Professor Vern Walker, that I had created a 26 minute video to do this he immediately told me that was way too long - it needed to be no more than two minutes!

My position was, if someone didn't care enough to invest 26 minutes of their time to learn about the situation, they certainly wouldn't care enough to donate to the cause. I still feel that way, but I understand Vern's point: really busy people need a quick way to find out if my topic aligns with their interests. That's all I can hope to achieve in two minutes - to help them decide to invest 26 minutes in the longer video. To actually convey information about the problem and our solution requires much more time than two, five or even ten minutes. I wish Life weren't so complex, but if this was a simple problem, someone would have already solved it.

So, with much consternation, I embarked on creating a two minute video that would drum up interest in the NPO Network and my video overview of "How to Make Philanthropy Work Better". Full disclosure: it runs 2 1/2 minutes...

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Decision to Look for Funding for the NPO Network

After working on the NPO Planner and Grant Generator for about eight months, my vision for what it can become has grown from a standalone application to help my local food bank, Food for Others, to an online community that helps charities and foundations alike. I've picked the name 'NPO Network' as my working title for this effort.

I see the NPO Network as a place where charities can find planning and automation tools, as well as search tools that help them find like-minded foundations.

I see foundations coming to the community to get the information they need for selecting charities and giving grants. The community's automated grant application generator will give them the control they want without the expense of designing and maintaining their own grant application website. I think foundations will appreciate that all the money they give will go towards a charity's mission, and not to pay for foundation search firms and grant writers.

And I see an online community that connects a network of coaches with charities and foundations that need their help. My experience tells me that there are a lot of people just like me who are ready and able to put their experience to work helping others.

This vision is much bigger than the project we began work on many months ago, and we've taken things as far as we can take them in our spare time. To move forward, I will need to find some funding.

My goal is to provide our services to charities for free; I don't know if this is really possible, but it is my intent. To achieve this we need to find partners who share our vision and are willing to invest in our efforts.

My first step is to create a video that gives an overview of both the problem charities face, and our solution to it. This 26 minute video is my first attempt at doing this:

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Revisiting How the Nonprofit Planner Fits Into My Theme

As I get deep in an actual web application, like the Nonprofit Planner and Grant Generator, it is easy to lose track of what my overall goal is with this blog and my book "The Shape of Knowledge".

My main message is, and has been, that there are basic knowledge patterns that capture important types of reasoning. The pattern I am elaborating on here is a Composer, which captures content once and then configures and reconfigures it into various documents to meet a particular need.

The value of identifying these patterns is that a talented developer, like my partner Steve, can write a powerful program that consumes predefined knowledge artifacts created by domain experts and then generates a web app automatically based on that knowledge. I call this type of program an application generator, or an 'apperator', for short.

At the same time, the identification of knowledge patterns empowers us, the knowledge authors who create the knowledge artifacts, because we can use these 'apperator' programs to build our own custom solutions without writing code.

In this particular case, I built a template using KnowtShare (our online collaboration tool), and made it available to charities for developing and documenting their business plans. The shape of that template, and therefore all plans created using it, is a hierarchical tree model. I call this shape a 'triangle' because it grows from a single root to the many 'leaves' of the tree. This tree/triangle is the knowledge artifact that stores the raw material for the Grant Composer. Each charity will create and maintain its own business plan.

There is a second artifact required, and it is built and maintained by me, as a community resource. That is a table -- a 'square' -- containing the information requirements for particular foundations.

The 'apperator' Steve has written is a Composer that knows how to consume these two types of artifacts: a hierarchical KnowtShare file filled with written information items and a .csv file that contains a matrix of communication targets (foundations) and their preferred order for those information items. Context questions are used to identify which branches of the tree and which rows of the table to use when creating a solution at run-time.

I, as the knowledge author, decided to use business plan information to populate a grant application for foundations, so the actual app that is created is a Grant Application Generator. But the same pattern could be used to collect an individual's CV and generate a customized resume for a particular company -- that would be a Resume Generator. Or a student's transcript and essay questions to generate a customized college application -- that would be a College Application Generator. This makes sense: these examples are very similar to the Grant Generator.

What about something further afield? There's a whole industry evolving around using legal boilerplate and context questions to generate legal documents. The Composer pattern could be used to achieve the same results, and with far less programming.

My last post was dedicated to describing how the very same business planning information used in grant applications can be used to generate other reports and marketing materials. All of these are examples of the Composer Pattern and can be created by the same aperator with only minor tweaks.

The Composer is just one pattern. I have written about the Recommender pattern and the Scoring pattern as well, and I will be describing others going forward.

The challenge, and the opportunity, come from thinking about problem solving at a higher level of abstraction than we normally do.

Most applications are built to solve a particular problem. The IT team interviews their customers to determine the functional specifications for an application they want built. Then the IT people go off and build it, checking back in periodically with the customers to make sure they're still on track.

Typically there is a deadline looming, and everyone is focused on the problem at hand. No one is interested in investing time (and money) in designing a meta solution that will make the next problem easier to solve. In fact, if programming is paid for on an hourly basis, there is a disincentive to look for the patterns that will make application development more efficient. But as knowledge authors, and as problem solvers in general, there are many benefits to identifying and harnessing new patterns.

Knowledge patterns only become visible when you are exposed to many different but similar problems, and when you look for them. It also helps to have a vocabulary and a mental framework that make it easier to discuss the patterns you sense are emerging. My goal is to contribute to the creation of those foundational tools, and to create real world examples that will stimulate discussion.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Other Nonprofit Composer Opportunities

The first Composer we are building for the NPO (Nonprofit) Network, which is what I am now calling the website I want to build, is a Grant Application Generator. My last posts have been dedicated to chronicling the process I went through to design this Grant Composer. But the Strategic Planning information that we collect with the NPO Planner has value far beyond grant applications.

The NPO Business Plan has strategic information, such as the organization's purpose, mission statement and strategy. It has high level financial data. It also has program information, such as program descriptions, volunteer information and even stories that can be used to 'sell' the program to potential donors and partners. These types of information can serve as high quality raw material for many different communication pieces.

The role of a Composer is to configure information, stored in what can be thought of as an 'information catalog', into a form that meets a particular set of needs. The Grant Application Generator configures business plan information into a grant application that meets the submission requirements of a particular foundation. The same raw material could be configured to create reports for Board members, handouts for volunteers, brochures for potential donors, even public websites.

The current business plan model contains only text and numbers, but it will be expanded to include images. This extension is important, because visuals are essential in certain media, such as brochures and websites.

Professional templates will be developed for different communication vehicles, with much more extensive formatting than the Grant Generator, which is designed to replicate a completed questionnaire. Often the content of the Grant Generator is cut-and-pasted into an online form, so the main goal of its formatting is simplicity and clarity, not beauty. The formatting of Composers for printed documents, especially marketing documents, will strive for professionalism and attractiveness.

Once templates are created, we will create context dialogues that ask for important parameters, such as which program should be featured in the communication piece. The Composer will know, based on the template, whether the long or short form of the answer is most appropriate.

Ultimately, the Composer will manage the selection and placement of text and images into the appropriate template, based on the information collected in the context dialogue.

The creation of additional Composers will extend the value of the Business Plan content, and save even more time for chronically time-poor nonprofits. It will make available a growing portfolio of communication documents that nonprofits can use to get the word out about the services they provide. The availability of these documents will help in the recruitment of volunteers and donors, and improve the understanding of stakeholders like the Board of Directors and community partners.

Composers provide document automation, and like all automation tools, they free-up people to focus on the tasks that only people can do. In this case, that task is the crafting of the message. The mechanics of document assembly will be left to the computer.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

One More Input to the Nonprofit Planning System

I said in the prior post that two knowledge artifacts are required to run the Grant Generator: the Business Plan Tree, which provides the content, and the Foundation Sequencing Table, which provides the assembly instructions. There is one other input, a community asset that I build and maintain along with the Sequencing Table, which I call the Nonprofit Element Attribute table.

In the process of building the Nonprofit Planner and Grant Generator, there were certain design and formatting decisions that were left to me as the knowledge author. One was the rules for when to use the green 'completeness' highlighting in the business plan, and the other was how to format the output in the grant application.

First, I'll explain the completeness rules. Remember, in KnowtPlan, when an item is completed it is outlined in green in the note view and highlighted in green in the outline view.

The rule for when to apply the highlighting to the 'leaves' of the tree is simple: when both the short and long answer are filled in, add the green outline. So the completeness rule for 'Organization's Mission Statement' is 'self'; it is highlighted as soon as its 'self' is complete.

The rules for how to roll the highlighting up to higher levels in the tree are somewhat more complicated. That is because some of the higher level notes require their own answers and some are just headers added for organization purposes.

An example of a note that is just a header is 'SWOT Analysis'. It has no content; if you clicked on it, you would not get a popup window asking for a long and short answer. So its completeness rule is 'children'; it is highlighted as soon as all of its children are highlighted. In the screenshot above, SWOT is not highlighted because two of its attached notes have not been filled in yet.

On the other hand, 'Organization's Purpose' is a note that acts as a header but also requires its own content. The charity is expected to fill in the organization's purpose, which should be short and compelling - different from a mission statement, which can be rather wordy. So the completeness rule for 'Organization's Purpose' is 'both': it is considered complete when all of its children are completed AND its own content is filled in.

So one piece of information I have to provide is the completeness rule for every item in the plan. I do this by adding an attribute called 'completeness' and setting its value to 'self', 'children' or 'both'. A second attribute I need to provide for each item is how it should be formatted in the grant application that is generated. This is similar to assigning a paragraph style in Microsoft Word.

Even though we ask for a 'long' and 'short' answer for each question, it is clear from working with the actual content that some answers tend to be much longer than others. For example, contact info tends to be very short. Descriptions of the Board members, on the other hand, tend to be much longer.

So we created two different paragraph styles: 'inline' puts the question header on the same line as the response pulled from the business plan; 'paragraph' puts the header on a separate line. There are also headers, the ones that have no content of their own, that never show up in the generated grant application. Their style is set to 'none'. This became a second attribute.

I'm sure there will be other attributes that will surface as we continue to develop the Nonprofit system. To make it easy to expand and maintain this sort of information, we capture it in a table that is easy for me to change, and doesn't require changes in computer code. The current version of the Nonprofit Element Attribute Table looks like this:

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Grant Application Generator

While the process of creating a 'composer' that generates grant applications highlighted the need for charities to do better planning, I have never lost sight of my original intention. Yes, the Nonprofit Planner has value on its own, but the magic of the tool is that it collects important content in a highly reusable form. The first composer we have built to utilize this content is the Grant Generator, and there will be other composers down the road that can use the planning content as well.

In my book, and in prior posts about the Recommender, I talked about knowledge patterns. I have defined a knowledge pattern as a consistent set of knowledge artifacts that can be used over and over again to solve a certain type of problem. The knowledge pattern for a Recommender looks like this:

I've written a series of posts about applying this pattern to build a Whiskey Recommender.

The pattern for a Composer is remarkably similar to that of a Recommender. The pattern for a generic Composer looks like this:

How this general pattern translates into specifics for the Grant Composer is shown here:

Two knowledge artifacts are required for a Composer: a document content tree, which contains the raw material for the document to be composed, and a table, which contains the assembly isntructions. 

In earlier posts, I described the Foundation Sequencing Table, which holds the assembly information necessary to generate a grant application. This table will be a community asset that I will build and maintain. There will be only one version of this table because the information requirements for a particular foundation are the same for all charities that apply for grants.

The content to be assembled, however, is unique to each charity; each will have its own business plan, documented using our planning tool. This plan is an asset that will be built and maintained by the charity.

These two knowtifacts, then, are inputs to the composer application. Like all of our applications, the first step in using the tool is to collect the context for the current situation. In general, we run an application to solve a particular problem in the current moment, and the context is the way we describe our current needs. 

The Grant Application Generator needs to collect two types of context information.

The first type is information that helps the application 'prune' down the input knowledge artifacts to the relevant columns, tree branches and fields. Questions like 'which foundation', 'which program' and 'long or short answers' fall into this category.

The second type is specific information that refers to this particular grant request only, and therefore cannot come from the business plan. Information in this category includes the request amount and date. This information must be collected at run-time so it can be filled in at the appropriate locations in the generated document.

Once the context is collected and 'OK' is clicked, the Grant Generator creates a document that meets the specifications: just the information the target foundation wants to see, and in the order they want to see it. (I've grayed out this charity's info, to protect their privacy.)

In my next post I'll discuss some of the details about how this report is formatted, and how charities can use it.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Deep Dive: The Program Pages

The Program Pages act as the marketing and operating plan portions of the business plan.

As mentioned in a prior entry, every new plan is generated with a single Program Plan page called 'General Support'. By pressing the plus-sign tab, the planner can add an additional page for each program the charity executes. For example, if the charity is a food bank that has a backpack program for providing weekend meals to students on free and subsidized lunch programs, they should add a page for that. Any program for which the charity wants to seek funding must have its own page in the nonprofit plan. The General Support page is automatically added because every charity seeks funding for ongoing operating support.

The program page contains descriptions of all the major players in the program. There is a description of the population served, including breakouts on key demographics: income, gender, ethnicity and geography. This is essential because a foundation wants to determine if the charity serves the populations they consider important. Other key players are the community partners, volunteers and donors.

Another important section of the plan is the communications strategy. This is broken down into the stories that will act as the content of the communications, and the media that will be used to get that message out.

Perhaps the most important part of the operations plan is a description of the results the charity is committed to achieving, and how they will measure the actual results they achieve. This focus on measurement is not in the DNA of many charities, but it is an absolute requirement of many foundations, particularly those affiliated with large corporations. Business-oriented donors and foundations know that 'what gets measured, gets done', and they want to see this awareness in charities they are considering for grants. Making metrics part of the business plan ensures the charity considers them, whether it is natural for them to do so or not.

In my next post I will talk about the mechanism we use for managing the color-coding that shows the completeness of the plan, and how that is also used to guide formatting decisions in the generated grant proposals.