Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Other Nonprofit Composer Opportunities

The first Composer we are building for the NPO (Nonprofit) Network, which is what I am now calling the website I want to build, is a Grant Application Generator. My last posts have been dedicated to chronicling the process I went through to design this Grant Composer. But the Strategic Planning information that we collect with the NPO Planner has value far beyond grant applications.

The NPO Business Plan has strategic information, such as the organization's purpose, mission statement and strategy. It has high level financial data. It also has program information, such as program descriptions, volunteer information and even stories that can be used to 'sell' the program to potential donors and partners. These types of information can serve as high quality raw material for many different communication pieces.

The role of a Composer is to configure information, stored in what can be thought of as an 'information catalog', into a form that meets a particular set of needs. The Grant Application Generator configures business plan information into a grant application that meets the submission requirements of a particular foundation. The same raw material could be configured to create reports for Board members, handouts for volunteers, brochures for potential donors, even public websites.

The current business plan model contains only text and numbers, but it will be expanded to include images. This extension is important, because visuals are essential in certain media, such as brochures and websites.

Professional templates will be developed for different communication vehicles, with much more extensive formatting than the Grant Generator, which is designed to replicate a completed questionnaire. Often the content of the Grant Generator is cut-and-pasted into an online form, so the main goal of its formatting is simplicity and clarity, not beauty. The formatting of Composers for printed documents, especially marketing documents, will strive for professionalism and attractiveness.

Once templates are created, we will create context dialogues that ask for important parameters, such as which program should be featured in the communication piece. The Composer will know, based on the template, whether the long or short form of the answer is most appropriate.

Ultimately, the Composer will manage the selection and placement of text and images into the appropriate template, based on the information collected in the context dialogue.

The creation of additional Composers will extend the value of the Business Plan content, and save even more time for chronically time-poor nonprofits. It will make available a growing portfolio of communication documents that nonprofits can use to get the word out about the services they provide. The availability of these documents will help in the recruitment of volunteers and donors, and improve the understanding of stakeholders like the Board of Directors and community partners.

Composers provide document automation, and like all automation tools, they free-up people to focus on the tasks that only people can do. In this case, that task is the crafting of the message. The mechanics of document assembly will be left to the computer.

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