I said in the prior post that two knowledge artifacts are required to run the Grant Generator: the Business Plan Tree, which provides the content, and the Foundation Sequencing Table, which provides the assembly instructions. There is one other input, a community asset that I build and maintain along with the Sequencing Table, which I call the Nonprofit Element Attribute table.
In the process of building the Nonprofit Planner and Grant Generator, there were certain design and formatting decisions that were left to me as the knowledge author. One was the rules for when to use the green 'completeness' highlighting in the business plan, and the other was how to format the output in the grant application.
First, I'll explain the completeness rules. Remember, in KnowtPlan, when an item is completed it is outlined in green in the note view and highlighted in green in the outline view.
The rule for when to apply the highlighting to the 'leaves' of the tree is simple: when both the short and long answer are filled in, add the green outline. So the completeness rule for 'Organization's Mission Statement' is 'self'; it is highlighted as soon as its 'self' is complete.
The rules for how to roll the highlighting up to higher levels in the tree are somewhat more complicated. That is because some of the higher level notes require their own answers and some are just headers added for organization purposes.
An example of a note that is just a header is 'SWOT Analysis'. It has no content; if you clicked on it, you would not get a popup window asking for a long and short answer. So its completeness rule is 'children'; it is highlighted as soon as all of its children are highlighted. In the screenshot above, SWOT is not highlighted because two of its attached notes have not been filled in yet.
On the other hand, 'Organization's Purpose' is a note that acts as a header but also requires its own content. The charity is expected to fill in the organization's purpose, which should be short and compelling - different from a mission statement, which can be rather wordy. So the completeness rule for 'Organization's Purpose' is 'both': it is considered complete when all of its children are completed AND its own content is filled in.
So one piece of information I have to provide is the completeness rule for every item in the plan. I do this by adding an attribute called 'completeness' and setting its value to 'self', 'children' or 'both'. A second attribute I need to provide for each item is how it should be formatted in the grant application that is generated. This is similar to assigning a paragraph style in Microsoft Word.
Even though we ask for a 'long' and 'short' answer for each question, it is clear from working with the actual content that some answers tend to be much longer than others. For example, contact info tends to be very short. Descriptions of the Board members, on the other hand, tend to be much longer.
So we created two different paragraph styles: 'inline' puts the question header on the same line as the response pulled from the business plan; 'paragraph' puts the header on a separate line. There are also headers, the ones that have no content of their own, that never show up in the generated grant application. Their style is set to 'none'. This became a second attribute.
I'm sure there will be other attributes that will surface as we continue to develop the Nonprofit system. To make it easy to expand and maintain this sort of information, we capture it in a table that is easy for me to change, and doesn't require changes in computer code. The current version of the Nonprofit Element Attribute Table looks like this:
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